The Snake-Charmer’s Song
I knew a snake-charmer at the dawn of my life…

Princess of Scorn and Thorns
I buckle at the knees under the moral weight of my love…

On 21 July 2021,
The wheel keeps turning…

Cascadas Petrificadas
Time flows through me as I am borne through it…

Can you smell the lightness of my skin?…

Late Apologies to My Mother
lightning strike me down onto my knees, Mother, i have done You wrong…

Pomegranate Seeds
My gatekeeper forfeits the keys to a persistent man…

Corpus, Cosmos
Breathing in early morning light, something about the Sun makes you believe in reality today…

To Be Loved in Touch Alone
If ever you meet someone who knows only how to love in touch, spare them a kiss like loose change…

These days I’m busy patching up the gaps with windows…


The Wishing Well
When a fateful fatal brushstroke comet rewrites the cartographic skies…

Big Man
Big man, I cannot move. You have wanted my neck…

Danse Macabre
Spend enough time flirting with the abyss and the Grim Reaper will wink at you from it…

they say circles have no beginnings or endings but they are wrong because he is both…

blood pacts and boybands
neon nail polishes and crop tops, dark lipstick, a bottle of stolen malibu…

Schrödinger’s Butterfly
A butterfly dies in the stomach…